Bài tập trắc nghiệm kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh
Câu 1 Nhận biết
The “law of demand” states that, other things remaining the same, the quantity demanded of any good is

  • A.
    directly related to its price.
  • B.
    directly related to the supply of the good.
  • C.
    positively related to its price.
  • D.
    inversely related to its price.
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Câu 2 Nhận biết
Suppose that the price of cereal rises. As a result, people have cereal for breakfast on fewer days and eat eggs instead. This behavior is an example of

  • A.
    a decrease in quantity supplied of cereal because of the substitution effect.
  • B.
    an increase in quantity demanded of eggs because of the income effect.
  • C.
    a decrease in the quantity demanded of cereal because of the substitution effect.
  • D.
    an increase in quantity supplied of eggs because of the income effect.
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Câu 3 Nhận biết
Pizza is a normal good. When the price of a pizza decreases from 10,

  • A.
    the quantity demanded of pizza will not change.
  • B.
    the income effect means people buy less pizza.
  • C.
    the income effect means people buy more pizza.
  • D.
    None of the above answers is correct.
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Câu 4 Nhận biết
If the price of chocolate chip cookies rises, then

  • A.
    there would be a movement downward along the demand curve.
  • B.
    the demand curve would shift rightward.
  • C.
    there would be a movement upward along the demand curve.
  • D.
    the demand curve would shift leftward.
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Câu 5 Nhận biết
What happens to the demand for CDs if the price of a CD player falls?

  • A.
    The demand for CDs increases because the price of a complement falls.
  • B.
    The demand for CDs decreases because the price of a complement falls.
  • C.
    The demand for CDs decreases because the price of a substitute falls.
  • D.
    The demand for CDs remains unchanged.
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Câu 6 Nhận biết
Cupcakes and granola bars are substitutes in consumption. The price of a granola bar increases. As a result, the demand for

  • A.
    granola bars will increase, that is, the demand curve will shift rightward.
  • B.
    cupcakes will decrease, that is, the demand curve will shift leftward.
  • C.
    granola bars will decrease, that is, the demand curve will shift leftward.
  • D.
    cupcakes will increase, that is, the demand curve will shift rightward.
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Câu 7 Nhận biết
If consumers expect that the price of soda will rise in November, the

  • A.
    supply of soda in October will increase.
  • B.
    supply of soda in October will decrease.
  • C.
    demand for soda in October will increase.
  • D.
    demand for soda in October will decrease.
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Câu 8 Nhận biết
Georgine buys more sweaters when her income increases. For Georgine, sweaters are a(n)

  • A.
  • B.
    normal good.
  • C.
  • D.
    inferior good.
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Câu 9 Nhận biết
Coke and Pepsi are substitutes. When Pepsi Cola advertises on television it is trying to cause

  • A.
    an increase in the demand for Pepsi.
  • B.
    a decrease in the supply of Coke.
  • C.
    an increase in the supply of Pepsi.
  • D.
    None of the above answers is correct.
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Câu 10 Nhận biết
Consider the market for soft drinks shown in the figure above. A movement from point a to point b represents

  • A.
    an increase in quantity demanded.
  • B.
    an increase in demand.
  • C.
    a decrease in quantity demanded.
  • D.
    a decrease in demand.
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Câu 11 Nhận biết
The “law of supply” states that, other things remaining the same,

  • A.
    firms will produce less of a good as the required resources become scarcer.
  • B.
    firms will produce more of a good the less it costs to produce it.
  • C.
    firms will produce more of a good the higher its price.
  • D.
    firms will produce less of a good the more it costs to produce it.
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Câu 12 Nhận biết
Which of the following will decrease the supply of restaurant meals?

  • A.
    The demand for restaurant meals decreases.
  • B.
    Consumers’ income increases and restaurant meals are a normal good.
  • C.
    The price of movies, a complement to restaurant meals, falls.
  • D.
    Waiters get a pay raise.
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Câu 13 Nhận biết
If there is an increase in demand for lumber, then, in the market for sawdust,

  • A.
    the supply curve of sawdust shifts leftward.
  • B.
    the supply curve of sawdust shifts rightward.
  • C.
    there would be a movement upward along the supply curve for sawdust.
  • D.
    there would be a movement downward along the supply curve for sawdust.
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Câu 14 Nhận biết
A shift of the supply curve for pick-up trucks might be the result of all of the following EXCEPT A. an increase in the price of a resource used to produce pick-up trucks.

  • A.
    a change in production technology.
  • B.
    a change in the number of suppliers of pick-up trucks.
  • C.
    a change in the price of pick-up trucks.
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Câu 15 Nhận biết
When a market is in equilibrium,

  • A.
    there is no shortage and no surplus at the equilibrium price.
  • B.
    everyone has all they want of the commodity in question.
  • C.
    the supply curve has the same slope as the demand curve.
  • D.
    the number of buyers is exactly equal to the number of sellers.
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Câu 16 Nhận biết
When demand increases, the equilibrium price ________ and the equilibrium quantity ________. A. falls; increases

  • A.
    rises; increases
  • B.
    rises; decreases
  • C.
    falls; decreases
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Câu 17 Nhận biết
Suppose that coffee and sugar are complements. If the supply curve of coffee shifts leftward because of poor weather, then there will be

  • A.
    a decrease in the price of sugar.
  • B.
    a leftward shift of the supply curve for sugar.
  • C.
    an increase in the price of sugar.
  • D.
    a rightward shift of the demand curve for coffee.
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Câu 18 Nhận biết
If technological advances lower the cost of computer chips, in the market for computers the equilibrium price will ________ and the equilibrium quantity will ________.

  • A.
    fall; increase
  • B.
    rise; increase
  • C.
    fall; decrease
  • D.
    rise; decrease
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Câu 19 Nhận biết
What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if it’s discovered to help prevent colds and, at the same time, Brazil and Vietnam emerge in the global market as massive producers of coffee?

  • A.
    The quantity will increase while the price will remain unchanged.
  • B.
    The quantity will increase while the effect on the price is uncertain.
  • C.
    The price will fall while the effect on the quantity is uncertain.
  • D.
    The quantity will decrease and the price will rise.
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Câu 20 Nhận biết
The price elasticity of demand equals the magnitude of

  • A.
    the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good divided by the percentage change in its price.
  • B.
    the slope of the demand curve.
  • C.
    the inverse of the slope of the demand curve.
  • D.
    the percentage change in the price of a good divided by the percentage change in the quantity demanded.
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Câu 21 Nhận biết
If a 20 percent increase in the price of a used car results in a 10 percent decrease in the quantity of used cars demanded, then the price elasticity of demand equals

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Câu 22 Nhận biết
Suppose the quantity demanded is 5 units when the price is 2.00, the quantity demanded falls to 3 units. The price elasticity of demand is

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
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Câu 23 Nhận biết
If the demand for a good is elastic, that means that when price increases

  • A.
    the demand will decrease.
  • B.
    the quantity demanded will decrease by a greater percentage than the price increased.
  • C.
    the quantity demanded will increase.
  • D.
    the quantity demanded will decrease by a smaller percentage than the price increased.
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Câu 24 Nhận biết
If demand is inelastic, an increase in the price will

  • A.
    not change total revenue.
  • B.
    increase the quantity demanded.
  • C.
    increase total revenue.
  • D.
    decrease total revenue.
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Câu 25 Nhận biết
At a local ice cream parlor, when the price of half-gallons of chocolate ice cream was lowered by fifty cents per half-gallon, total revenue from the sale of chocolate decreased. This result indicates that

  • A.
    there are more people who like vanilla ice cream than there are people who like chocolate ice cream.
  • B.
    the demand for chocolate ice cream is elastic.
  • C.
    the demand for chocolate ice cream is inelastic.
  • D.
    None of the above answers is correct.
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Câu 26 Nhận biết
If students’ expenditures on airline travel increase as a consequence of more heavily discounted fares, students’ demand for airline travel must be

  • A.
    income elastic.
  • B.
    price elastic.
  • C.
    income inelastic.
  • D.
    price inelastic.
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Câu 27 Nhận biết
For many goods, the price elasticity of demand increases over time because

  • A.
    inflation causes all prices and incomes to increase over time.
  • B.
    the ability to find substitutes for a good whose price has risen increases over time.
  • C.
    people’s incomes tend to increase over time.
  • D.
    None of the above answers is correct.
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Câu 28 Nhận biết
The ________ the portion of your income spent on a good, the ________ is your demand for the good.

  • A.
    smaller; less price elastic
  • B.
    smaller; more income elastic
  • C.
    larger; more income elastic
  • D.
    larger; more price elastic
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Câu 29 Nhận biết
If the cross elasticity of demand between coffee and tea is positive, an increase in the price of tea will shift the demand curve for

  • A.
    tea leftward.
  • B.
    tea rightward.
  • C.
    coffee leftward.
  • D.
    coffee rightward.
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Câu 30 Nhận biết
The income elasticity of demand is

  • A.
    always negative.
  • B.
    always positive.
  • C.
    negative for a normal good and positive for an inferior good.
  • D.
    positive for a normal good and negative for an inferior good.
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Câu 31 Nhận biết
If the income elasticity of demand for spaghetti is -1.3, then spaghetti

  • A.
    is income elastic.
  • B.
    is a normal good.
  • C.
    has an elastic demand.
  • D.
    is an inferior good.
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Câu 32 Nhận biết
Over time, the supply of a good or service

  • A.
    initially becomes more elastic and then becomes less elastic.
  • B.
    becomes less elastic.
  • C.
    initially becomes less elastic and then becomes more elastic.
  • D.
    becomes more elastic.
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Câu 33 Nhận biết
Which of the following is a typical effect of a price ceiling set below the equilibrium price?

  • A.
    People can buy more than they can at the equilibrium price because the ceiling price is lower.
  • B.
    The price ceiling has no effect on the market equilibrium.
  • C.
    Less of the good is produced with the ceiling than would be produced without the ceiling.
  • D.
    None of the above answers is correct.
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Câu 34 Nhận biết
A minimum wage is a government-imposed price ________ that is designed to be ________ the equilibrium wage rate.

  • A.
    floor; below
  • B.
    floor; above
  • C.
    ceiling; above
  • D.
    ceiling; below
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Câu 35 Nhận biết
As long as the supply curve for a good is upward sloping and the demand curve is downward sloping, a sales tax imposed on sellers shifts the supply curve

  • A.
    leftward and definitely increases the equilibrium price.
  • B.
    rightward and possibly increases the equilibrium quantity.
  • C.
    leftward and possibly increases the equilibrium price.
  • D.
    rightward and definitely decreases the equilibrium quantity.
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Câu 36 Nhận biết
A sales tax imposed on sellers shifts the supply curve leftward for the taxed good because

  • A.
    the tax causes the demand curve to shift leftward.
  • B.
    it is paid by the seller to the government and is, therefore, like a cost of production.
  • C.
    the higher price causes entry into the market.
  • D.
    it is actually shifted entirely onto the buyer who can afford only a smaller supply.
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Câu 37 Nhận biết
The seller pays the entire sales tax levied on a good when

  • A.
    demand is perfectly inelastic or supply is perfectly inelastic.
  • B.
    demand is perfectly elastic or supply is perfectly inelastic.
  • C.
    demand is perfectly inelastic or supply is perfectly elastic.
  • D.
    demand is perfectly elastic or supply is perfectly elastic.
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Câu 38 Nhận biết
When the supply curve of corn shifts leftward, farmers’ revenue ________ because ________.

  • A.
    increases; demand is inelastic
  • B.
    increases; supply is inelastic
  • C.
    decreases; supply is elastic
  • D.
    decreases; demand is elastic
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Câu 39 Nhận biết
A period of time in which the quantity of at least one resource used by a firm is fixed is called

  • A.
    the market period.
  • B.
    the intermediate run.
  • C.
    the long run.
  • D.
    D. the short run.
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Câu 40 Nhận biết
Which of the following is characteristic of the long run?

  • A.
    The firm’s plant is fixed.
  • B.
    It must exceed 12 months in length.
  • C.
    All resources can be varied.
  • D.
    All of the above answers are correct.
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Câu 41 Nhận biết

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