Đề thi trắc nghiệm Quản trị học bằng tiếng Anh

Năm thi: 2023
Môn học: Quản trị học
Trường: Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
Người ra đề: Tổng hợp
Hình thức thi: Trắc nghiệm
Loại đề thi: Thi qua môn
Độ khó: Trung bình
Thời gian thi: 60 phút
Số lượng câu hỏi: 44 câu
Đối tượng thi: Sinh viên môn Quản trị học
Năm thi: 2023
Môn học: Quản trị học
Trường: Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
Người ra đề: Tổng hợp
Hình thức thi: Trắc nghiệm
Loại đề thi: Thi qua môn
Độ khó: Trung bình
Thời gian thi: 60 phút
Số lượng câu hỏi: 44 câu
Đối tượng thi: Sinh viên môn Quản trị học

Mục Lục

Trắc nghiệm Quản trị học bằng tiếng Anh là một trong những đề thi của môn Quản trị học tại các trường đại học giảng dạy bằng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh. Đề thi này yêu cầu sinh viên nắm vững các kiến thức cốt lõi về lý thuyết quản trị, kỹ năng phân tích tình huống thực tế, và khả năng áp dụng các nguyên tắc quản trị trong môi trường quốc tế. Đề thi được biên soạn bởi các giảng viên bộ môn Quản trị học tại trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân (NEU), với các câu hỏi tập trung vào các khía cạnh quản lý doanh nghiệp hiện đại. Đây là bài kiểm tra dành cho sinh viên năm 2 thuộc các ngành như Quản trị Kinh doanh hay Kinh tế quốc tế.

Đề thi trắc nghiệm Quản trị học bằng tiếng Anh có đáp án

Câu 1 An organization is ________.
a) the physical location where people work
b) any collection of people who all perform similar tasks
c) a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
d) a group of individuals focused on profit-making for their shareholders

Câu 2 All organizations have ________ which define(s) the organization’s purpose and reason for existing.
a) rules
b) structure
c) limits
d) goals

Câu 3 Which of the following is a key difference between managerial and nonmanagerial employees?
a) Nonmanagerial employees do not oversee the work of others.
b) Managerial employees work longer hours.
c) Managerial employees receive higher pay compensation.
d) Nonmanagerial employees have less formal education.

Câu 4 The primary job of a manager is to ________.
a) coordinate between organization leaders and ordinary employees
b) direct and oversee the work of others
c) tackle tasks that are too difficult for nonmanagerial employees
d) make decisions that help an organization grow

Câu 5 One of the common characteristics of all organizations is ________ that define(s) rules, regulations, and values of the organization.
a) a stated purpose
b) a systematic structure
c) a set of written bylaws
d) an explicit goal

Câu 6 The work of a manager ________.
a) is strictly limited to overseeing and monitoring the work of others
b) involves only high-level tasks that require a sophisticated skill set
c) may involve performing tasks that are not related to overseeing others
d) does not involve interaction with nonmanagerial employees

Câu 7 Supervisor is another name for which of the following?
a) team leader
b) first-line manager
c) top manager
d) middle manager

Câu 8 Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization?
a) top manager
b) team leader
c) department head
d) project leader

Câu 9 Which is an important job responsibility for a middle manager?
a) defining the organization’s long-term goals
b) performing tasks that are not related to long-term goals
c) helping top managers define goals
d) translating goals defined by top managers into action

Câu 10 All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization are termed ________.
a) middle managers
b) first-line managers
c) team leaders
d) supervisors

Câu 11 Which of the following levels of management is associated with positions such as executive vice president, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, and chairperson of the board?
a) middle managers
b) top managers
c) first-line managers
d) team leaders

Câu 12 Another term for efficiency is ________.
a) doing things right
b) doing things at the right time
c) making sure things get done
d) doing the right things

Câu 13 Which of the following might be an example of increased efficiency in manufacturing?
a) cutting the price of the product
b) increasing advertising for the product
c) cutting the amount of labor required to make the product
d) increasing sales of the product

Câu 14 Another term for effectiveness is ________.
a) doing things right
b) doing things when necessary
c) doing the right things
d) doing things intelligently

Câu 15 Effectiveness is synonymous with ________.
a) efficiency
b) smart management
c) goal attainment
d) cost minimization

Câu 16 Efficiency refers to ________.
a) the additive relationship between inputs and outputs
b) the inverse relationship between inputs and outputs
c) the relationship between inputs and outputs
d) decreasing inputs only

Câu 17 Good management strives for ________.
a) high efficiency and low effectiveness
b) high efficiency and high effectiveness
c) moderate efficiency and moderate effectiveness
d) low efficiency and high effectiveness

Câu 18 A candy manufacturer would increase both efficiency and effectiveness by making ________.
a) the same candy at a lower cost
b) better candy at a lower cost
c) the same candy at the same cost
d) better candy at the same cost

Câu 19 A candy manufacturer that made candy at a lower cost without improving the quality of the candy could be said to ________.
a) increase effectiveness without increasing efficiency
b) increase both effectiveness and efficiency
c) decrease both effectiveness and efficiency
d) increase efficiency without increasing effectiveness

Câu 20 Which of the following identifies a manager who does NOT typically supervise other managers?
a) shift manager
b) unit chief
c) division manager
d) vice president

Câu 21 The four contemporary management processes are planning, organizing, leading, and commanding.
a) True
b) False

Câu 22 Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.
a) True
b) False

Câu 23 Providing motivation is part of the controlling function of management.
a) True
b) False

Câu 24 Defining goals is a key part of the organizing function of management.
a) True
b) False

Câu 25 Deciding who will be assigned to which job is a part of the leading function of management.
a) True
b) False

Câu 26 In Mintzberg’s view, the roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison are all interpersonal roles.
a) True
b) False

Câu 27 Disturbance handler is one of Mintzberg’s interpersonal roles.
a) True
b) False

Câu 28 A typical first-level manager spends more of his or her time leading than planning
a) True
b) False

Câu 29 All managers devote at least some of their time to planning.
a) True
b) False

Câu 30 A manager in a large business generally will spend more of her time as a spokesperson and entrepreneur than her counterpart in a small business
a) True
b) False

Câu 31 Today, the basic management functions are considered to be
a) planning, coordinating, leading, and monitoring
b) planning, organizing, leading, and motivating
c) commanding, organizing, leading, and decision making
d) planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

Câu 32 The controlling management function is largely a matter of
a) resolving conflicts
b) determining what needs to be done
c) monitoring to see that tasks are accomplished
d) enforcing rules for employees

Câu 33 Organizing includes
a) defining organizational goals
b) resolving conflicts
c) motivating organizational members
d) determining who does what tasks

Câu 34 Resolving a conflict would be considered to fall under which managerial function?
a) controlling
b) planning
c) directing
d) leading

Câu 35 Giving a speech at an organization banquet would fall into which Mintzberg category?
a) informational
b) interpersonal
c) decisional
d) entrepreneurial

Câu 36 A pharmaceutical company manager attending a meeting of academic scientists would be functioning in which role?
a) informational
b) figurehead
c) liaison
d) decisional

Câu 37 All of the following are examples of informational roles according to Mintzberg EXCEPT
a) entrepreneur
b) monitor
c) disseminator
d) spokesperson

Câu 38 Unlike the manager of a small business, the most important concerns of a manager in a large organization are focused
a) externally, particularly on entrepreneurial tasks
b) internally, particularly on the allocation of resources
c) on setting goals
d) on planning ways to improve organizational structure

Câu 39 Which of the following would networking be most likely to help a manager accomplish?
a) increasing efficiency
b) increasing effectiveness
c) defining goals
d) building a power base

Câu 40 Companies that are well managed can prosper during difficult economic times by depending on
a) government bailouts
b) filing for bankruptcy
c) raising prices
d) a loyal customer base

Câu 41 Which of the following is a factor in today’s tough economic climate that managers do NOT need to deal with?
a) changing technology
b) economic uncertainty
c) employees who are not eager to work
d) distrust between managers and employees

Câu 42 Brenda Kraft has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest-quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition, she accomplishes this with fewer full-time people than other managers. Co-workers say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic “management processes.” Brenda’s high project completion rate indicates that she is
a) an efficient manager
b) an effective manager
c) a good spokesperson
d) a good resource allocator

Câu 43 Brenda Kraft has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest-quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition, she accomplishes this with fewer full-time people than other managers. Co-workers say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic “management processes.” If Brenda accomplished her projects on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers in the process, you could say that as a manager she was
a) efficient, but not effective
b) a leader, but not a top manager
c) project oriented, but not effective
d) effective, but not efficient

Câu 44 As a production supervisor, Joe determines the number of output units his department will produce each week. On Monday, he informs his team that the schedule is going to be difficult this week due to the increased number of output units. He goes on to tell them that he is confident that they can fulfill the schedule because they are tough, talented, and “when the going gets tough, they are the ones who get going.” Each day during the week, Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected. When Joe decides the number of output units his team will be able to produce this week, which of the management processes is he performing?
a) controlling
b) leading
c) planning
d) organizing

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